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Sweet Grass


(Holy Grass, Vanilla Grass, Bluejoint and Buffalo Grass)

Sweetgrass typically comes as a dried braid which smoulders while burning and is suitable for regular use as it has an unobtrusive, sweet and gentle fragrance. It is considered a sacred plant in many parts of the world and attracts positive energies and good spirits.



(Holy Grass, Vanilla Grass, Bluejoint and Buffalo Grass)

Sweetgrass typically comes as a dried braid which smoulders while burning and is suitable for regular use as it has an unobtrusive, sweet and gentle fragrance. It is considered a sacred plant in many parts of the world and attracts positive energies and good spirits.

The variety we use and sell is Bison Grass (Hierochloe occedentalis) as it can be grown organically within the UK. Bison Grass has traditionally been used for smoking, offerings and blessing ceremonies across eastern Europe.

Some varieties of sweetgrass grow over Alaska, New Jersey, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, South Dakota, Arizona and Washington. The Western variant now grows on borders of redwood forests in parts of Russia.

Many native tribes in North America use sweetgrass in prayer, smudging and at the beginning of purification ceremonies.

The people of Anishinabe, Bode’wad mi and Odawa societies use white sage as part of pipe mix for peace ceremonies.

Our Sweetgrass braids are typically over 50cm long can be used alone or alongside White sage, Lavender, Cedarwood, Sandalwood or with many of our resins.

Please see our video below for further information and directions on how to use;

Additional information

Weight 100 g
Dimensions 20 × 10 × 30 cm


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